'Colouring in' therapy - free download
Brian: "Don't take this the wrong way but I was reading Saga Magazine and I thought of you." Me: "Hmmm, okay?" Brian: "Apparently 'colouring in' for grown ups is all the rage these days. It's a bit like those drawings you do." Thanks Brian.
Nothing like a bit of sound advice from a septuagenarian with his finger on the pulse. Good call. So here it is, a little freebie for my lovely followers. Just download it using the button below and print. It is 6"x4" so you'll probably be able to finish it in an evening; definitely in front of the telly and maybe with a glass of wine. In true Mister Maker style you could even 'frame it' or at least stick it on the fridge for the obligatory two weeks. If you dare please share your results on social media I'd love to see how you get on. And yes Brian, that does include you.