Proud to be supporting 'Ellie's Friends'
I stumbled across Ellie Jeffrey's blog Written Off back in 2011. Her beautifully written, painfully honest account of dealing with breast cancer at the age of 28 was a compelling and very emotional read. I was not lucky enough to have known Ellie in real life, but like so many of her readers I felt a genuine connection and I followed her journey with admiration.
Ellie died in 2012. I don't have the words to do Ellie's story justice; you just need to read her words for yourself. Her blog is still online and continues to give comfort, knowledge and hope to people dealing with cancer all over the world.
Ellie's Friends was set up in Ellie's memory to help 'make the big c smaller'. They offer 'frequent freebies' for those with cancer and provide a comprehensive list of services and charities for people to access. Their goal is to give adults living with cancer the opportunity to enjoy life, not just survive it. Freebies include tickets to top comedy shows, discounts on spa days and yoga passes to name a few - the list is extensive, varied and fun. The gifts are intended to spread a bit of love and punctuate the days with things to look forward to. As a supporter of Ellie's Friends I will be giving away a print per month in the hope that it may bring a smile to someone who is having a rough ride. Applications for all freebies are made through the Ellie's Friends website. If you are interested in supporting Ellie's Friends then please do get in touch with them. Maybe you have a skill or provide a service that may be useful? Maybe you own a business or know of an employer who might like to be part of this wonderful charity. Ellie's friends and family talk about the joy and laughter that she spread and it's fitting that a charity set up in her name continues her legacy - thank you for letting me be a small part of it. x